Monday, April 18, 2011

Amy's Coronation/ Geraldine School Visit

Shortly after I got home from the Dodge National Circuit Finals in Oklahoma I was off on the road to Bozeman for Amy-Hager’s (Miss Teen Rodeo Montana 2011) Coronation Party. She and her mother put on a super party with a great turnout and lots of fun activities. I even won an item in the live auction!  She had a kiddie rodeo, live and silent auction, and a raffle. Overall it was a great success and I hope she raised LOTS of money!!!  It was my privilege to stay with Sarah Capp and her beautiful family that night, and I can’t wait to see the future addition to their family who should be arriving any day now!!!
The next morning, I was on my way to Geraldine for an after school program visit.  Angie Hucke runs this program and has been a part of the Miss Rodeo Montana organization for quite a few years. Before the program started, some of the high school students persuaded me to take part in science class.  This “participation” involved tasting some turtle… very salty and chewy … not so much my thing!  During my school visit, I spoke to them about the Miss Rodeo Montana pageant, where I have been so far this year and some of my future travel plans..  I then shared a PowerPoint presentation from my travels and then we held our very own kiddie rodeo.  After an autograph session, I had to get on the road.  It had started snowing very heavily and I had a 3 ½ hour drive ahead of me!  This Montana weather is crazy and I’m very much ready for spring to be here!   Next, I am off to Corvallis for the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Celebrity Team Sorting Conest!
Until Next time,
Lorissa Harris
Miss Rodeo Montana 2011

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