Thursday, October 27, 2011

NRA Finlas- Butte Round-2!

This year I did something that no other Miss Rodeo Montana has ever done… I attended the Northern Rodeo Association Finals twice in one year!! The NRA Finals Rodeo has been held in Billings for the last 37 years and this year was held the end of March 2011.  However, the NRA decided to move the NRA Finals to Butte and to schedule it at the end of their rodeo season in September.

This was my first rodeo in Butte this year and only the third time I actually got to ride my own horse.  My wonderful mother and I arrived Thursday afternoon for a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday performance. Sug and I carried the American flag while Amy (MTRM) carried the Montana flag on her 32-year-old horse Touchdown!

Friday was a BIG day for Amy and I.  We visited five schools that day between 8:30 and 4 p.m. Thank goodness for GPS on my iPhone or we would not have found our way on time to all the schools (K-2nd grades in Ramsey, Hillcrest, West, and Emerson). We also stopped by and signed autographs at a pre-school, which was a lot of fun.  We talked to the kids about our travels, the sport of rodeo, the MRM pageant, and answered a LOT of questions. The questions were quite interesting, ranging from “Do you ride the bull?” to “Are you two sisters? Twins? Best friends?” They kept us laughing and we had a great time together touring all around Butte! Later that afternoon we also helped promote a kiddie rodeo at Murdoch’s Western Store and had an awesome turnout which was very nice to see.

Friday night at the rodeo, the committee did something I had never seen before --- they had U.S.A. lit up in flames on the arena floor.  I didn’t know how my horse Sug was going to respond to this but it didn’t even phase him! He’s becoming quite the Queen Horse!

Saturday morning, Amy and I were invited to emcee the very first Annual Murdoch’s Style Show at the Butte Mall. Kathy Baldry (who we have both known since we started rodeo queen pageants) asked us to take part and tell funny stories during “downtime” while the models were changing clothes.. We had a lot of fun and, of course, eyed clothing and boots that we wanted!

Saturday night at the rodeo was my favorite, it was “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” night, and for this special night the rodeo committee had placed a large cancer ribbon on the arena floor and lit it on fire.  Quite a spectacular sight and a great touch to draw attention to such a wonderful cause!

It is bittersweet knowing my year is soon coming to an end and that there are fewer than 60 days left until the Miss Rodeo America Pageant!!! The Northern International Livestock Exposition is scheduled October 19-22 in Billings and I am VERY excited to attend this rodeo.  It is in my home town and one I have been anxiously waiting to attend as Miss Rodeo Montana 2011!

United Way Day of Caring!

This year I was asked to be a part of something in my home town of Billings that was very humbling ---  take part in the
United Way
’s Day of Caring, the largest day of service in the state of Montana. I had met Carol Burton, Chairman of Billings, when I spoke at our local Rotary Club meeting and she arranged for me to be a part of their big day.

The event was held at the Rimrock Auto Arena, on September 14th.  Everywhere you looked was a sea of blue tee-shirts!  I helped greet people as they came in for lunch, talked to them about the Miss Rodeo Montana program and thanked them each for taking time out of their day to help give back to their community.

While I did not speak at this function, I was introduced to the 1400 in attendance and enjoyed lunch with our Yellowstone County Commissioners.  I’ve gotten to know them well over the years as Miss Teen Rodeo Montana and now as Miss Rodeo Montana.

After lunch, my mother and I were able to help with various projects around Billings, starting at Zoo Montana, a place I had never been to in the seven years I have lived here! We took ladies from Autumn Spring Assisted living, for a tour around the zoo, where we viewed bald eagles, and visited Bruno the bear.

We then went back to the Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark to help paint the bleachers and preserve the outdoor accommodations at the complex.

It was great to see people from all walks of life helping with the Day of Caring and I was honored to be part of such a wonderful organization and to get more involved in my community!

Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame- Beef and Beans BBQ

On July 14th, I was honored to be both a guest and a scholarship recipient at the annual Beef and Beans BBQ sponsored by the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame.  This event introduces the twelve high school seniors that will each receive a $3,000 scholarship to continue their education at an accredited college of their choice.  Corporate sponsors and supporters of the organization were invited to personally meet the students and see first hand the results of fund raising efforts by MPRHWF. 

These 12 high school rodeo athletes are selected by the Montana High School Rodeo Association and are chosen using a balanced criteria of scholastic achievement, participation in rodeo, community service, future education plans, and financial need. In addition to the twelve $3,000 scholarships to graduating seniors, the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame awards Miss Rodeo Montana a $2,000 educational scholarship and $1,000 to Miss Montana High School Rodeo. 

I greatly appreciate receiving this scholarship and it will definitely help me further my education after completing my year as Miss Rodeo Montana.

Over the years, I have gotten to know many of the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame members.   My mother serves on their Advisory Committee and she is also the Miss Teen Rodeo Montana advisor. The Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame maintains a monument site to honor Montana PRCA rodeo champions and legends at the MetraPark complex in Billings and raises scholarship funds year around.  Check them out at  They are truly a wonderful group of people.  One Board Member in particular is Lucille Hill.  She has truly been a blessing this year. At the beginning of my MRM year, she offered to proofread all my blogs before I publish them onto the Miss Rodeo Montana website and she is truly a lifesaver!!!  Sometime my mind is thinking way faster than my fingers will type and she always helps with my errors! So Lucille, thank you, thank you, thank you! You don’t know how much I truly appreciate all that you have done for me this year!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Montana Fur Trappers!!!!

When I got home from Missoula I learned my blood pressure had been running really high. The doctor needed three consecutive readings before anything could be done.  After the third reading, the Doctor was a little concerned as it was dangerously high.   Laura Bakker decided it would be best for me to skip the Kalispell rodeo and to take the weekend off.  Everything is getting back to normal and I’m doing better!!!
On September 10th my mom and I traveled to the annual Montana Fur Trappers Rendezvous in Lewistown.  The Montana Fur Trappers have been strong supporters of Miss Rodeo Montana for many years and I truly LOVE my fur! The Rendezvous is a fun time and everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetime.   A couple events during the Rendezvous are a trap setting contest and a skillet tossing contest. With the trap setting contest, we each had to set five traps and the fastest time wins. I had never set a trap before but am actually quite good at it now! Overall I finished 3rd and Amy finished 2nd … not bad for two rodeo queens! Next was the skillet tossing contest.  I really wanted to win this one, except this year they changed the rules. Instead of tossing it the furthest, the winner had to toss the skillet closest to the stake. Mine hit the stake which bounced it further in the opposite direction!  Tough luck, but my mom joined in and ended up taking 3rd and winning some money!

After a big dinner that evening, came the best part of the night!  The rodeo queens modeled about 20 of the most beautiful furs imaginable.   I loved getting to help model the furs and appreciated how much they are worth.

It’s fun to get to attend functions other than rodeos and try to give back to the sponsors that do so much to support us and the Miss Rodeo Montana organization. 

The National Rodeo Association Finals are coming up the end of September and following that the Northern International Livestock Exhibition (N.I.L.E.) in October.  Then my time will be focused on preparing for the Miss Rodeo American Pageant in December!!  Las Vegas, here I come!

Missoula Stampede!!!

The drive from Glasgow to Missoula is not one favorite route in the state…However I was excited to stay with my National Director Laura Bakker!
The sponsors of the Missoula Stampede really do a lot for the rodeo.  Amy and I got to know Missoula fairly well while doing autographs at various places, thanking folks for their sponsorship. While in Missoula we helped with the Missoula Stampede Rodeo Queen pageant which was a lot of fun and all of the contestants did a wonderful job!

About a half hour before grand entry of the second night of the rodeo, my horse stared limping.  Luckily a family who brought a horse for Briana Caldwell (Big Sky Pro Rodeo Queen) offered their other horse to me. Thankfully the horse got saddled and ready to go at the last minute just in time to run in for my queen buzz. This horse was an awesome red roan named “Red” and a barrel horse, so we were scooting around the arena and I loved it!!! Amy (MTMR) and Jade Byington (Missoula Stampede Queen) also switched back and forth in the timed events helping me push cattle.

A Miss Rodeo Montana Scholarship/Tough Enough to Wear Pink golf tournament was held on Saturday morning.  I loved playing high school golf and my senior year our team finished 2nd and I got 8th overall so I knew how to golf!  I had a stacked team with Kyle (Noon’s, my gas card sponsor), Jeff (Special Events Coordinator from Wranlger), and Harry. Even though our goal was to win, unfortunately we didn’t, however I did win the women’s longest drive from the men’s tee!  His was such a great fundraiser and the proceeds benefitted two really awesome causes.

The queen pageant also ended Saturday with a new set of royalty crowned.  The 2011 Missoula Stampede Queen was won by Mariah Rys-Sikora, Princess- Bobbi Lee Taulbee, Little Miss- Annika Erickson, and Jr. Little Miss- Claire Bagnell! All the contestants did a great job and I know they will have a great year!

I’m headed home for a little while ---  it’s been almost three weeks on the road  and I’m excited to sleep in my own bed, see my family and my dog!!!

Glasgow Rodeo!

Early Sunday August 7th Jennika and I were off for Glasgow for a rodeo performance that night! It was a five hour drive and I was very thankful to not have to drive. We made good time and it was my last Brookman rodeo of the year.  I was privileged to ride one of their awesome horses and loved attending all the rodeos they had put on throughout the summer.
On Monday the 8th we were scheduled to put on a kiddie rodeo at the Valley View Nursing home.  As most people know I’m very prompt, however the nursing home in Glasgow was really hard to find and Jennika and I got lost! Luckily we finally found our way and were only a few minutes late.  Rodeo Clown Dennis Halstead and I put on the kiddie rodeo for about 15 kids for the residents of Valley View and it was a big hit.  Later, we signed autographs before the rodeo and I truly had a great time working with Dennis throughout the year.  Dennis was one of my favorite clowns to work with and I enjoyed getting to know him.

It was different having a Sunday/Monday rodeo but that’s what I love about Glasgow.  Some of the smaller rodeos can really be some of the best times.  I was very thankful that Jennika took time out of her week to help me drive and keep me company. After I dropped her off, I had a few more hours to go to Missoula for the Missoula Stampede rodeo and Queen Contest!!!

Big Sky Pro Rodeo- Great Falls!

The Big Sky Pro Rodeo Roundup, in Great Falls is one of the biggest outdoor rodeos in the state with five nights of rodeo. This rodeo is in conjunction with the State Fair and special to me because I was the State Fair Rodeo Princess in 2005-2006.
The rodeo committee and sponsors of the rodeo were also really great to me and Amy (MTMR 2011).   The O’hare Motor Inn was our host hotel for all five nights and a great sponsor of the rodeo. Big R of Great Falls was very generous to us as well. We held an autograph signing there with the Big Sky Pro Rodeo Queen Briana Caldwell and the store gave us three Wrangler outfits!!! One can never have enough Wranglers!

Sue Thompson was nice enough to bring her paint horse “Tugs” for me to ride each night of the rodeo. There were five amazing rodeo queens from all over the state at this rodeo which really made the week extra special …. Carly Sykes (Livingston Roundup Queen), Jade Byington (Missoula Stampede Queen), Briana Caldwell (Big Sky Pro Rodeo Queen), Amy Hager (Miss Teen Rodeo Montana), and me. It was great to get to spend time with all these girls and encourage them to run for Miss Rodeo Montana!!
Each night of the Big Sky Rodeo had a special theme:  Military night, Family night, “Tough Enough to Wear Pink: night, Pepsi night, and Spirit night.  We all helped carry sponsor flags each night and switched out pushing cattle so that everyone could gain experience at a rodeo of that size. Libby Gurnett (MTRM 2010) also came to keep me company, which was great because she always keeps me laughing!

I had a great time in Great Falls during this long and awesome week of rodeo. From Great Falls I’m headed to Glasgow, but this time I will have a travel partner.  Miss Jennika O’Neil (a rodeo queen and 1st runner up to MTRM 2011)  is going to help me drive so that I can sleep!!!   

Last Chance Stampede- Helena!

On July 27th I was off to Helena for the Last Chance Stampede. This rodeo was one of my favorites as Miss Teen Rodeo Montana and I was really looking forward to going again. I stayed with the Gurnett family (Miss Teen Rodeo Montana 2010 and her parents) and we had a TON of fun!

On Thursday I helped put on a kiddie rodeo at Capitol Sports also a wonderful sponsor of the rodeo.  This was one of the biggest kiddie rodeos I’ve ever seen!  I was then off to get ready to lead the parade carrying the American flag.  When I was Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, I met a wonderful couple who provided me a horse back in 2007, (thanks to Sue Thompson).   Bev and Sonny Stiger are the nicest people and this year they let me ride their new horse “Rocky.” They are great supporters of MRM and I truly appreciate all they have done for me over the years.

The Last Chance Stampede is a truly unique weekend. There is a Grand Entry each night before the rodeo.  All the flag carriers and queens walk a lap carrying a flag or waving to the crowd.  Just before the National Anthem, I loped a lap carrying the PRCA flag and posted in the middle of the arena.  Then Wayne Brooks, the announcer, rode in on horseback and interviewed a cowboy or cowgirl in the top 15 in the world. I then came out carrying the American Flag for the National Anthem, when that song ended, the enthusiastic crowd of 4,000 people started cheering, giving me goose bumps!! What an amazing experience, and one I will always remember.

On ‘Tough Enough to Wear Pink’ night I wore the pink chaps that the rodeo committee was going to auction off just before the bull riding event.  They were truly BEAUTIFUL!!! When it came time to auction them off, I rode Rocky back and forth in front of the grandstands so that the crowd could see how beautiful they were and bid on them.  After it was all said and done, the chaps sold for $4,750 with the proceeds going to help breast cancer patients in Montana.

While I was in Helena, I got two surprises … one was great and the other … well, not so much… The great one was my parents surprising me Saturday night of the rodeo, since I had not seen them much this summer! The unpleasant surprise was my wallet and camera and Libby Gurnett’s camera getting stolen out of my pickup… Luckily I didn’t have any cash and not very many debit/credit cards.  Thank goodness my parents were there because I was to leave right away for Great Falls and not returning home until the middle of August. But it all worked out in the end and I wasn’t going to let it affect my next couple of busy weeks!

I will be in Great Falls for five nights of the Big Sky Pro Rodeo Roundup!!!


Some people believe that state rodeo queens only attend PRCA rodeos, when in fact we support all rodeos no matter if they are pro or not.  On July 21st I was off to Havre for an NRA rodeo (Northern Rodeo Association) where I had an absolute blast. The rodeo committee was very welcoming and made me feel right at home.
I was provided a very nice grey mare that had been roped off of in the past, but had been in the pasture for a few months, so they warned me I should warm her up pretty good. She was perfect and can now add “Queen Horse” to her resume!   

Some quality time was spent with Jayedee Han (Jourdon Han MRM 2010’s mom) and I really appreciate all that she has done for me this year. While traveling alone can get pretty lonely, the people I met and working with the rodeo committees really helps.

After spending two nights in Havre, the next morning found me headed to Shelby for the parade and Saturday night performance.  I dread ever being late, so I usually leave a little extra and arrived in Shelby an hour early.  This gave me a chance to meet and visit with the Mayor of Shelby, a very nice man!  This was the only parade this summer in which I didn’t ride a horse …but instead rode in a red convertible Mustang.   Before the rodeo I was introduced at the 4-H sale and toured the fair a little bit.  It was fun to  hang out and visit with one of my favorite rodeo announcers and Miss Rodeo Montana Pageant Emcee, Mr. Barney Sheridan.
Another interesting thing about coming back to Shelby as MRM, is that I got to ride one the Brown’s family horse. I rode one of their horses when I was Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, and they brought him back for me but unfortunately, he had gone lame.  Instead, I rode BJ Brown’s steer wrestling horse, who I just LOVED! I carried the American flag on him and we pushed out cattle.  I wisely stayed back a little during the steer wrestling event, because I didn’t want him to think we were steer wrestling and take off with me!

I was able to spend a few days at home – got caught up on laundry and recuperated before I headed to Helena for the Last Chance Stampede and make my three week stretch!

Calgary Stampede!!!

After the Wolf Point Stampede I drove to Chinook where I met my mom and we were off to Canada! I had heard a lot of great things about the Calgary Stampede and couldn’t wait to get there. Getting across the border wasn’t too bad, but when they asked if had any weapons or firearms I told them no.  After going through security, however, I realized that I had my pink stun gun with me!
Five hours later we finally arrived and on our first night there we had dinner with Jody and Gary Rempel and toured the Calgary Stampede grounds! Gary has been the pick-up man for the last 20+ years, so it was nice to have them show us around behind the scenes.  The Calgary Stampede is an invitation only rodeo with some of the best cowboys and cowgirls in the country competing. It is not a PRCA-sanctioned rodeo and has its own rules for certain events.  For example the rough stock riders don’t have to mark the horse out (have their spurs on the horse’s point of the shoulder) when the horse leaves the chute.   In the tie-down roping event, the time stops as soon as the cowboy ties the calf and the calf only has to stay tied until the cowboy gets back on his horse.   PRCA rules state that the time stops after the calf is tied but the calf has to stay tied for a full six seconds after the cowboy gets back on his horse.

No state rodeo queens ride in Calgary, however Miss Rodeo Kansas Alyssa Morrison and I were “hosted” one day and got to do some amazing things! We were introduced at a huge breakfast, the off to go square dancing… I had never square danced but it was a lot of fun.  It’s even pretty easy because they tell you exactly what to do!  During the rodeo we were introduced in front of the whole Calgary Stampede crowd … thousands and thousands of people!!!   After we were done being hosted, my mom and I spent some quality time together and watched the legendary chuck wagon races and one of the Night Shows, which were completely AMAZING!

Coming back through the border on the way home, I was a little nervous because I heard sometimes they are a little harder. When we came through they asked if we had bought anything and we had bought jewelry cleaner.  Mom told the border patrol guard that it really made my crown shine! We told him who I was and what we had been doing in Canada and he wanted a few autographs!

I loved our trip to Calgary - we were treated like royalty and Jody and Gary Rempel were awesome hosts. It was very special to take a trip with my mother, my number one supporter. I’m off to Havre and Shelby when I get back into the states!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wild Horse Stampede- Wolf Point!!!

After the 4th of July weekend, I was off to Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede.  This was the only rodeo of the year that I hadn’t attended while I was Miss Teen Rodeo Montana.  It was a good five hour drive to the High-Line and when I got there I was greeted by Miss Vanessa Hardy, my former roommate and a Wolf Point native. This was the only rodeo where my dog Quigly came with me, because he is one “high maintenance” Corgi!
While in Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede rodeo I did radio interviews, put on a Kiddie Rodeo at the nursing home, and also rode in a parade every day.  The Hardy family offered  to haul a horse in for me every night of the rodeo. I got to ride “Honeybucket”, Megan Hardy’s (Miss Rodeo Montana 2007) horse . ”Honeybucket” and I also were included in the rodeo clown act… Mr. Donnie Landis was the clown and asked me to be a part of his act. He rode a fake Llama- looking creature and the object was for my horse to “spook,” which she did and then show that I could lope a better circle, do a spin, and back up.  It was definitely a different experience and the crowd loved it.

This rodeo is also unique in the fact that the arena is called the Marvin Brookman stadium after the late Marvin Brookman of Brookman Rodeo. It is also famous for the Wild Horse Races in which each team that was auctioned off went for over $1,000 and the horses that were auctioned off went for even more!     

Overall, my first trip to Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede was amazing and I thank the Hardy family for all they did for me!!! I’m now off to Chinook to meet my mom and from there we are headed out of the country (all the way to Canada) to Calgary for the Calgary Stampede!!!!!

Home of Champions Rodeo- Red Lodge!!!

The 4th of July, 2011 was very special to me as Miss Rodeo Montana.   It was fun to spend the entire weekend in Red Lodge just an hour from my hometown, and especially fun to ride the “Queen Horse” Shug!  The 4th of July weekend is very important for cowboys because in this single weekend, there are the highest numbers of rodeos for cowboys to attend and make a LOT of money.
Every year in Red Lodge the rodeo queen’s help with slack at 6:30 am where we see some of the best cowboys in the country come to Montana to compete.  I spent the weekend with company also … the Red Lodge Rodeo Royalty was there and it was great to meet them and share stories about their year.  Each day at noon there was a parade down Main Street in Red Lodge with the crowds growing each day leading up to the big July 4th celebration.  It was Shug’s first parade and he did an awesome job and obviously LOVES doing queen buzzes.

Another tradition known to the Red Lodge Rodeo is one particular section of the grand stands known to get pretty rowdy and is referred to as the “Oh S**t section”.  When a cowboy misses or gets bucked off the crowd in that section stands up and in unison shouts that particular phrase.  They definitely keep things interesting during the rodeo.

Returning to Red Lodge as Miss Rodeo Montana after having attended as Miss Teen Rodeo Montana was very special to me and I was honored to get to go back!

Next, I’m off to Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede and I get to see the Megan Hardy, former Miss Rodeo Montana and her wonderful family!  

Friday, September 16, 2011

American Legion Rodeo- Augusta!

After driving three hours to Fort Shaw from Chinook, I got a good night’s rest and then headed to Augusta to sign autographs at the very cute western store Latigo and Lace. For those of you who have never attended the American Legion one day rodeo in Augusta, you have really missed out! The number of tourists and spectators at this rodeo is truly amazing!

While at Latigo and Lace, I met Jack Hanna, the well known wildlife expert and Director of the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo.  It was a pleasant surprise to meet such a well known expert who traveled all the way Montana for his vacation.  

It was then off to the 82nd Annual Augusta American Legion rodeo put on by Kesler Championship Rodeo Company. The well-known PRCA Rodeo Announcer Steve Kenyon (one of my favorite rodeo announcers), was there and it was nice to work with a familiar face! He does such an amazing job and also directed great attention to me in the arena and I really appreciated it. While I was in the arena during the Steer Wrestling event, Steve had the entire crowd of 4,000 people say “Hi Lorissa!” it was pretty funny and I enjoyed it.

During the rodeo, I rode Cody, a horse that is very dear to my heart. Sue and Jeff Thompson have been tremendous supporters of the Miss Rodeo Montana organization since I have been involved and I TRULY appreciate all that they do … not only for me but for the MRM organization as a whole. Sue brings me horses whenever I need one and I always know I’ll be safe and taken care of.  This particular horse, Cody, and I go way back to 2007 when I rode him in Helena when I was Miss Teen Rodeo Montana.  It’s always a joy to ride him and I will keep the tradition alive when I ride him again this year at the Last Chance Stampede in Helena!

After an awesome but crazy rodeo, I was off to Missoula to stay with my National Director Laura Bakker.  I am scheduled to tape a radio spot for Noon’s Gas Station … a valued supporter who provides us with a gas card which definitely comes in handy and is very much appreciated.!

I will be at home for a couple days and then will be at the Home of Champions Rodeo in Red Lodge, Montana for the 4th of July!!!

Until next time,
Lorissa Harris
MRM 2011

Bear Paw Round-up

June 23-25 marked the 13th Annual Bear Paw Roundup PRCA Rodeo in Chinook, Montana.   This rodeo is very special to me since I spent fifth grade through freshman year up on the Highline.  I arrived on June 23rd for their Annual Silver Spur dinner and Calcutta where I got to socialize and enjoy all of the festivities.  Merylee Ramberg, one of my very best friends, is from Chinook and her mother Debbie Ramberg is on the rodeo committee.  It is always such a treat for me to go back up to the highline and visit all my childhood friends.

 Each night before the rodeo, I put on a “Kiddie Rodeo” in front of the grandstands, I love putting on kiddie rodeos as they provide a great opportunity to interact with the local folkss and give the kids a little something to do before the rodeo.  It also helps to educate them about the various events involved in the sport of rodeo. Each night at the rodeo, I carried the American flag during the National Anthem. This is always quite an honor and something I really cherish doing.  It still gives me goose bumps every time! I rode “Scooter”, Shane Shwenke’s Montana PRCA team roping header and National Finals Rodeo Finalist. Scooter is a roping horse but got to be a “Queen Horse” for the weekend and I loved riding him, I wanted to take him home!

Following the two great performances at the Bear Paw Roundup PRCA Rodeo, I headed off to Fort Shaw to stay the night with the Thompson’s before an appearance at the Sunday rodeo in Augusta.  A sincere thank you to the Bear Paw rodeo committee in Chinook for the wonderful job they did and for making it one of my favorite rodeos!

Until next time,
Lorissa Harris
MRM 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011

MRMI Horsemanship Clinic/ Little Belt Cowboys Rodeo

I was home just long enough to sleep in my own bed for the night, re-pack, and hit the road again.  My mom and I headed for the Belt Rodeo and the Miss Rodeo Montana Horsemanship Clinic.  This is an event that my mom established and is now put on by the MRM board.  It is truly a great program for current rodeo queens and girls who are up and coming in the pageant world.  There many fabulous clinicians that helped with various and aspects of horsemanship and responsibilities of being a title holder.  My mother Linda Rest, my national director Laura Bakker, former Miss Rodeo Montana Bobbi Levine, former Miss Rodeo Washington Jody Rempel, and former Miss Rodeo Montana Tammy Pate were the great clinicians that helped make this clinic such a success.

The clinic involved riding different horses, watching and studying tapes of Miss Rodeo America pageants and learning how to read cattle.  Then we were off the rodeo! Thank you to Laura Bakker for letting me ride her pride and joy Cecil (a beautiful flea bitten gray horse) that definitely has a whole other speed in the arena!  I carried the American flag during the National Anthem, carried event flag, victory laps, and help clean the arena. They sure kept us busy and I loved every minute of it! Dave and Cathy Wieferich of Brookman Rodeo Company also do a fabulous job putting on various rodeos across the state and I love working with them.

This year they also had JJ Harrison as the clown act, a truly amazing performer.  He involves Miss Rodeo Montana his act… He tries to convince the crowd that he didn’t get a fair chance at the Miss Rodeo Montana Pageant, while wearing a blow up fat suit with a pink bikini and a plastic crown on his cowboy hat.  As part of the act, he convinces me to dismount and let him do a”Queen Buzz” riding my horse. It was hilarious and the crowd absolutely loved it!

After a few days off, I’m off to Chinook/Augusta/Missoula all in one weekend!

NEBRASKAland Days!!!

Before year’s end, I will definitely be a pro at packing and living out of my suitcase! I got home Sunday night from Vaughn to catch a few hours of sleep, re-pack, and then head out to Nebraska! My flight left at 6 am and arrived by noon.  Upon arrival, we literally hit the ground running!  I was fortunate to have an AWESOME host family, Dan and Pam Wright, who made my stay in North Platte so very special. Nebraskan host families have a fun tradition of displaying giant red and white signs in their yards that say “Home of Miss Rodeo Montana  … a great tradition and made me feel like a celebrity!

While in Nebraska, we were honored to take part in their 2012 Miss Rodeo Nebraska Pageant.  There were three amazing young ladies competing for this coveted title.  We had an opportunity to model our western elegance dresses, our chap outfits and to talk about our home states.  It was also fun to be on the other side of the competition and enjoy being a spectator at a pageant. We signed tons and tons of autographs and got to ride in the Buffalo Bill Rodeo!  The crowning ceremony for the new Miss Rodeo Nebraska 2012 was held in the arena during a break in the rodeo and BIG congratulations to Sierra Peterson for winning the title.   A big thank you goes out to Becky Grimm (Miss Rodeo Nebraska 2011) and her mother Pattie Grimm for driving Miss Rodeo Idaho Tricia Crump and I all the way back to Denver to catch our flights home!

Montana High School Finals/ Summer Solstice Rodeo- Vaughn

June 8th was the start of the Montana High School Rodeo Finals and pageant.  Our close family friends Anne and Mariah Rhys- Sikora have been putting on the pageant for the last several years and do a tremendous job! There were three awesome high school queen contestants this year.  Amy Hager, Miss Teen Rodeo Montana,  and I took part in the orientation and horsemanship portions of the pageant activities. Horsemanship is one of the most vital portions of competing and serving as a rodeo queen and we were happy to take part in this pageant!  Some very influential judges were present at this year’s Montana High School Rodeo Queen pageant; including Sara Wilkins Capp, former Miss Rodeo Montana, Robin Nansel and former Miss Rodeo Oregon, and the Miss Rodeo Montana 2010 Jourdon Han. These ladies all know firsthand the responsibilities involved and what it takes to be a rodeo queen and we appreciate all they did!  The pageant wrapped up that Saturday and Miss Jeana Wagner of Whitehall came away with the title!!  Jeana will also receive a $1,000 college scholarship from the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall & Wall of Fame.   Congratulations to her and all the girls who competed!

I was then off to the Summer Solstice in Vaughn the 11-12th.  This was my first rodeo of the summer and to be honest, I was a little nervous! Mr. John Smith of JS Rodeo Company puts on this rodeo and it was truly a great kick off rodeo.  Saturday morning I took part in Farmer’s Market with the Big Sky Rodeo committee, signed autographs and took pictures with little kids.  What a great way to spend the morning in Great Falls promoting the Big Sky Pro Rodeo the 2-6 in August.

The rodeo was a lot of fun and thanks goodness for Sue Thompson for providing me a horse.  As usual, she is a total lifesaver!  I’ll take this opportunity to thank Briana Caldwell and Jennika O’Neil for helping carry sponsor flags.   I appreciate all their hard work and look forward to working with them more in the future.  

Following the early performance on Sunday, it was back home to Billings to get ready to hop on a plane the very next morning for Nebraska!

Special Olympics State Games

On May 12, I traveled to Bozeman for the Special Olympic State Games, to help with the Equestrian Games portion and I absolutely loved it!  We started at 8:00 am with the Parade of Athletes and a Grand Entry.  There were so many athletes participating in the equestrian events, that the trail classes were held in the outdoor arena and the English and Western classes were held in the indoor arena. It was great to be back at the Special Olympics as I had also helped at the Winter Games in Whitefish.  Some of the athletes remembered me from the Whitefish games and it was good to see them again! After the classes were finished, I assisted with the Awards Ceremony and helped with presentations along with three Montana Highway Patrol officers.
Later in the evening there was a carnival for all of the athletes who competed in the state games.  A meet and greet booth had been set up for Amy Hager, Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, and I so we could meet folks and sign autographs and be available for photo ops.   It was a wonderful weekend, a great event to be a part of, and such an honor to spend time with all of the amazing athletes!

Miss Rodeo Tennessee Pageant/ Franklin Rodeo

May 17, I was off to Franklin, Tennessee to attend the 2011 Miss Rodeo Tennessee pageant and three nights of the Franklin rodeo.   I was one of six state rodeo queens who made the trip to see Miss Rodeo Tennessee 2010 Breezy Smith hand down her title. Upon arriving that night, we enjoyed dinner with Greg Hensley the “Boot Man”, an awesome man who provides beautiful Dan Post Boots to rodeo queens!  The next day was my 22nd birthday and so we topped off the evening with cherry cobbler and a memorable rendition of “Happy Birthday”.  It was great!

Spending my 22nd birthday with other rodeo queens and in the beautiful state of Tennessee was a real treat. We started the day with a tour of the world famous Country Music Hall of Fame in downtown Nashville. It was great to learn the rich history that has evolved over the years in country music. Later that day we toured the Carter House representing a lot of Civil War history.  The tour guide made the wonderful stories come alive with his knowledge and passion for history.

The next day we took part in a very fun southern tradition of “High Tea” at an old plantation.  We wore dresses (no cowboy hats) and wore fancy “Kentucky Derby” hats.  We enjoyed our tea, scones, cucumber sandwiches, and delicious desserts.  It was a special day and we all gained a deeper appreciation for this true southern tradition!

And of course, the main purpose of our trip was to attend three nights of rodeo! The Franklin Rodeo was a fantastic rodeo.  One of our Montana stock contractors, Sparky Dreesen of Big Circle Rodeo Company, provided the rodeo stock and it was great to see a fellow Montanan!  Miss Ty Fitzgerald was crowned the new Miss Rodeo Tennessee. She did an awesome job and I look forward to seeing more of her this year.  She will do a fabulous job representing her state of Tennessee and Professional Rodeo!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Helena Middle School/ Women's Run

On Thursday May 5th, I worked an 8 hour shift at my job, and then headed to Bozeman where I spent the night before continuing on to Helena for a huge event called “Rodeo Day” for the 6 graders at  Helena Middle School. I arrived at the school around 8 am and of all the kiddie rodeos I have attended, by far this was the biggest I have ever seen. Mrs. Janet Erickson, one of the 6th grade teachers, organizes this event.  She is also a very well know barrel racer/trainer, a former Miss Rodeo Montana, and the mother of Montana PRCA Cowboy Ty Erickson.. Not surprisingly, she was great to work with and her passion for children really made this event so spectacular.
The morning started with a very talented 6th grader singing the National Anthem and another playing the fiddle.  Two other 6th graders then showed off their “Jitterbug” skills. Mr. Jason Harris an inspirational cowboy  and I acted as MC’s for this event, describing the various rodeo events, and their rules and regulations.  It has become a tradition that the current Miss Rodeo Montana rides the “bull” which is a barrel attached to stretched ropes on each end, on which people bounce back and forth. I didn’t realize how high the bull would actually go in the air!  Needless to say, I didn’t make it for the full 8 seconds and my dismount wasn’t very graceful, much to the delight of the students!
The 6th graders then got to rotate to eight different event stations so they could participate in all of the different events of rodeo and a few other special stations.  My station was an autograph signing station where I signed over 100 autographs.  Jade my “helper”, a sophomore from Helena High School, helped me keep the kids in line while they waited.  She put large piece of white paper on the table for the kids to sign and write me a note on while they waited in line, which was a very special and thoughtful thing for her to do.  I enjoyed attending such a fun event for the 6th graders of Helena Middle School and special thanks go to Mrs. Janet Erickson for all the hard work she puts into this annual event!

After a night of rest it was on to Billings for their 30th Annual Women’s Run.  This event raises money for various women’s groups in Billings.  I was invited to participate with the Montana Beef Council’s team.  Even though I am from Billings, this was my first time taking part in this event and all I can say is WOW!   A record-breaking 8,500 women participated in this event, either running or walking in the 2 or 5-mile race.  I did the 2 mile race with the members of the Montana Beef Council.  Although we didn’t race, we walked and talked while getting to know each other. It was really great to see that many women come out to support a great cause and I was honored to be a part of it. Just as a note of interest, there was a 99-year-old woman who checked off one more item on her “bucket list”, having completed the two mile portion.
Next, I’m off to Bozeman to attend the Montana State Special Olympics.  This should be a wonderful experience and one which I am really looking forward to!
Until next time,
Lorissa Harris

Tough Enough to Wear Pink- Central Montana

On April 30th I was off to Lewistown for a Tough Enough to Wear Pink dinner, auction, and fashion show fundraiser. Since I was only going to be gone overnight, my Corgi “Quigly” came along for a little company since I tend to travel alone most of the time.   A note of interest – Lewistown is the exact geographical center of Montana … very deserving of the Central Montana designation!

This was the first year for the “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” event, and it holds special meaning for me since I work on the Inpatient Cancer Care Floor at the Billings Clinic. The dinner and auction was held at the Pine Meadow’s Golf Course and everything was covered or decorated in Pink! The evening started with a fabulous prime rib dinner followed by three strong cancer survivors who recounted their courageous stories fighting cancer. Then the fashion show started! I was the first one out on the runway, dressed in my Tough Enough to Wear Pink outfit. Jimmy Harrison “the Hat Man” was kind enough to let me borrow one of the new pink hats he handcrafted which was a huge hit! This first outfit included my pink chaps, which rounded out the “pink” look.  I was the last model on the show, and wore a pink Wrangler shirt, given to me by the Ladies of Central Montana with their logo embroidered on it.
Overall, it was a great evening and I met a lot of wonderful people.  I look forward to working with various Tough Enough to Wear Pink groups around the state in their efforts to raise money for Cancer Awareness.   Soon, I am off to Helena to take part in “Rodeo Day”, a fun and learning experience about rodeo for Helena Middle School 6th graders.

Until next time,
Lorissa Harris
Miss Rodeo Montana 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tough Enough To Wear Pink Celebrity Team Sorting!!!

On April 15th I was on my way to Corvallis, Montana for a Tough Enough To Wear Pink Celebrity Team Sorting. Corvallis is about a 6-6 ½ hour drive from Billings, so I decided to arrive a day before the contest.  I stayed with Ashley Sherman, the Ravalli County Rodeo Queen, and her family. They were very hospitable and made me feel right at home!

Saturday April 16th was the day of the actual Team Sorting competition. We arrived at 8:00 am and got ready to present the colors for the Grand Entry. Peal Jeske was kind enough to let me use her horse “Josie”, a beautiful buckskin mare, who can now add being a “Queen’s Horse” to her resume!  Ashley Sherman and Ashton Blubaugh, the Missoula Stampede Little Miss, helped with the Grand Entry and did an awesome job. 

We then had a few hours to kill before the Celebrity Sorting started.  Ashley and I drove down to Darby to see Mr. Jimmy Harrison, the hat man, to have him clean and shape my hat, since I don’t get over to Darby very often.  Jimmy provides custom-made hats to all the Miss Rodeo Montana queens and I wanted to be sure my hat received the best care.  We then headed back to the Team Sorting and I was able to watch for a few hours before the Celebrity portion began.  I received some very helpful tips from Gill and Theresa Roberts.  Their family enjoys Team Sorting almost every weekend and is very familiar with the sport!
Before the Celebrity Sorting the “celebrities” drew partners who were “pros” to help assist in the sorting.  I drew an awesome partner, Franchelle, and together we brought $175.00 in the Calcutta!  We took part in two rounds in the Celebrity Sorting.  For those unfamiliar with this sport, contestants start with cows numbered from 0-10.  When you cross the line, the announcer gives you a cow by number.  You have 60 seconds to sort as many cows as you can into the other pen (in numerical order starting with your number). In the first round we were next to last to compete.  The “0” cow was the one that kept getting away from everyone and giving a lot of the teams a “no time”. When I crossed the line they called out our cow number and you can guess what it was?  Yep, it was #0!!! We got two cows in the first round.  While it was not as many as I would have liked, not too bad for my first time sorting!  For the second round contestants go in reverse order so this time Franchelle and I competed second.  We stayed consistent and got two cows again. We were leading up until the last few teams and then finished fourth out of 22 teams.  Well, it was not bad for a first- timer!   I had an absolute blast at Tough Enough to Wear Pink Celebrity Team Sorting, and I want to go back next year and compete again!

The next morning I traveled back to Darby to meet with Keith Smith, the owner of Trapper Peak Winery, to discuss a possible sponsorship.  Laura Bakker, my National Director, and I came up with an idea of presenting all my major sponsors with a nice trophy bottle of wine with my Miss Rodeo Montana logo on it as a personalized keepsake. Keith Smith was very generous and gave me a whole case of wine that I can use for my sponsors.  Further advertising and sponsorship are in the works and I look forward to working with him this year! 

Overall, it was a great weekend.  I had a ton of fun getting out and doing something totally different and introducing Miss Rodeo Montana to a new group of people.

Next week, I’m off to Lewistown, Montana for a Tough Enough to Wear Pink parade, dinner, and auction!

Until next time,

Lorissa Harris
Miss Rodeo Montana 2011