Monday, April 18, 2011

Ag in Montana/ Dodge National Circuit Fianls Rodeo

The day before I left for an event in Helena, my mother had to have surgery and so being the good daughter I am, I spent the night in the hospital with her (something I hope NEVER to do again!) As expected, I didn’t get much sleep but it goes without saying that I will do anything for her as she always has done so much for me! 

On March 25th , I was asked to speak at the Ag in Montana Luncheon in.  Which Miss Rodeo Montana has been a part of for the last few years. The Governor was also present for this event and presented the kids with their prizes.
Students grades K-5  from across Montana entered a coloring contest sponsored by Ag in Montana.  Their entries were supposed to incorporate agriculture, farming, beef, etc. into their drawings. The winners of the contest were given the opportunity to visit Helena for the week, take a tour of the State Capitol, go on local sightseeing tours, and then be introduced at the Ag in Montana luncheon. I was the guest speaker and gave a motivational speech about how practice and hard work really does pay off.  I related this talk to my journey to become Miss Rodeo Montana and shared with them a few stories about my travels so far. They were an outstanding group of young people and what a great organization to be able to be associated with.  I was honored to be asked to be a part of this event and to speak to them and their families and guests.
The year 2011 is a very exciting year for the Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo and I was very excited to attend!  For the past 25 years the DNCFR has been held in Pocatello, Idaho but this was the first year it was in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma March 31st through April 2nd.  In order for contestants to qualify for the DNCFR they must be the overall winner and the average winner in their respective rodeo circuit. There are 12 circuits and the top two contestants from each circuit then qualify to compete at the DNCFR. I was only there for a couple days but it was such an honor and a fantastic rodeo! 
A special treat – I was asked to ride in the Friday night performance at the DNCFR with about 11 other state queens as well as Miss Rodeo America and carried the circuit flags.  We also helped carry major sponsor flags during a mid-rodeo presentation. It was enjoyable to experience a rodeo of that size and caliber, and an honor to be a part of the DNCFR in its first year in Oklahoma City. 
While in Oklahoma City, the State Queens got to take part in a Shotgun Contest.  Not being a hunter, I had never handled a shotgun before.  Basically, I thought it was going to be a little easier than it was, but thankfully we had wonderful and very patient instructors!  There were also several cowboys from the various circuits that took part in the contest as well. After lots of practice I got somewhat better, but still only hit 3 out of 10 clays in the actual contest, but it was definitely a fun and memorable experience.

Soon, I was on a plane headed back to Montana, and then on to Bozeman to attend Miss Teen Rodeo Montana Amy Hager’s Coronation Party

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