Monday, April 18, 2011

NRA/ Rotary

NRA Finals / Rotary

The Northern Rodeo Association held their Finals March 11-13 and this year it was really exciting for me.  Not only did I get to attend as the new Miss Rodeo Montana but the finals were also in my hometown of Billings. I rode “Sug”, my mom's reining horse.  This was a new experience for Sug, and he is proving himself worthy as a true “Rodeo Queen’s horse” having stood perfectly still during the National Anthem in a blackened arena with a spot light on us!.  The NRA Finals was a great rodeo, thanks to the efforts of Beau Wagner, Theresa Walter, and the rest of the NRA Rodeo Committee.  I was very honored to be a part of such a wonderful organization.

During the NRA Finals week, Vance Ruff, the announcer, bull fighter Beau Heart and I visited Elder Grove School and explain the sport of rodeo to the students.  We had them take part in a Kiddie Rodeo.  For the older grades we even got the teachers to take part in the Kiddie Rodeo action, to the delight of the students!  It is a wonderful school and we all had a great time.

After three nights of rodeo, I had a few days to relax at home before speaking as the honored guest at the West End Rotary Club.  Mrs. Robin Hanel is a wonderful woman I met when I joined Toastmasters while preparing for the Miss Rodeo Montana Pageant.  Robin is the wife of Tom Hanel, Mayor of Billings, Montana.  They are truly great people who have been really supportive. I was actually quite nervous to speak at Rotary because this is a group of business people accustomed to hearing experienced public speakers.  I presented my “Montanopoly” speech that I gave as a contestant during the Miss Rodeo Montana pageant .  I also explained the responsibilities and duties of Miss Rodeo Montana, where my travels have taken me so far this year, and future travel plans.  The opportunity to appear at organizations like Rotary really strengthens my public speaking skills and I truly appreciate all that Tom and Rodin have done for me!

Until next time,
Lorissa Harris
Miss Rodeo Montana 2011

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