Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rapid City/ Hall of Fame/ Harlem

Rapid City/ Hall of Fame/ Harlem

January was busy as I was home just ten days that month --- and February is shaping up to be a very busy month as well! I am ENJOYING every minute of my busy schedule. My first out of state trip was a six-hour drive to Rapid City, South Dakota for the 53rd Annual Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet eleven other state rodeo queens for the first time and it was more than just a little bit exciting AND just a little bit overwhelming!

Sutton Rodeo has been producing rodeos for the past 82 years.  As the primary stock contractors, they once again produced a top-notch rodeo. It is traditional that when there are several rodeo queens appearing at a rodeo, they trade off riding during rodeo performances. I was fortunate to ride  the great Sutton Rodeo horses in two performances while carrying sponsor flags. During our days at the stock show, we got to visit Landstroms, the company that makes the beautiful crown that is awarded to Miss Rodeo America.  We took their tour and watched a demonstration on how the famous Black Hills jewelry is made.  Then we visited one of South Dakota's true treasures ... the breathtaking Mount Rushmore National Monument..
Friday morning found me up early, preparing for my last afternoon rodeo appearance. Then I was “on the road again” headed for home to get prepared for several events scheduled for the weekend.  I got home late Friday night and early Saturday was off to Helena for the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center dinner and auction fund raiser. Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, Amy Hager, and I got some  practice time in perfecting our Vanna White impression (walking around displaying the “live auction item’s)  and were glad to be a part of another wonderful organization.  

The next morning (Super Bowl Sunday) we traveled  to Great Falls for a day at  Great Rockies Sport Show at the Montana Expo Park signing autographs at the Montana Trapper’s Association  Booth. It was enlightening to learn more about trapping and I absolutely love the fur they provided me as Miss Rodeo Montana and I know Amy loves hers as well!   After spending time with the Trappers I was off to Butte for the night and stayed with Jourdon Han, the 2010 MRM, and Heather Hall , 2010 Miss Rodeo Florida   I truly appreciated their warm hospitality.  

The next day found me headed to Darby to meet with Jimmy “The Hat Man” Harrison to start working on the hat that his company traditionally provides to each Miss Rodeo Montana!  It was a hard decision, but I chose a black hat with gold jewels around the hat, the state of Montana on one side, and my initials on the other side.  It is going to look fabulous in the arena, a fitting tribute to Jimmy's skill and craftsmanship!!! 

Then I was off to Chinook to stay the night with my Auntie Kathy and cousins before heading to Harlem for the Annual Mid-Winter Fair.   It was an honor to be a part of this year's Mid-Winter Fair in Harlem.   It is my understanding that this was the first time Miss Rodeo Montana had ever taken part in this annual event. I was presented with a beautiful Star Quilt and I feel very honored to have received such a prestigious gift.  

One could say I'm becoming quite the traveler ... this coming from someone who isn't a fan of driving long distances and especially driving alone, Thank goodness for those entertaining audio books on CD!  Jourdon Han introduced them to me and they certainly help pass the time during long road trips. I am now home for a few days and will be catching up on some sleep and eagerly getting ready for my next adventure!

Until next time, I'm Headin' Down the Trail, Lorissa Harris, MRM 2011

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