Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BLS Horse Sale/ Special Olympics

I was home from Florida for only two days then off to work I go. I love my job at the Billings clinic where I work as a CNA on the Inpatient Cancer Care (ICC) floor. I am re-packed and ready to hit the road. Before heading up to Whitefish for Special Olympics winter event, I made a quick stop by the Billings Livestock Sale (BLS) monthly horse sale. Thank you to Bill and Jan Parker the sale coordinators for inviting me. It was special for me to be in the company of, Tom Hanel the Mayor of Billings. Together we started the sale and I got to invite everyone to my Coronation, which will be March 19, 2011 at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana from 6-9 with a wine tasting at 5:00.

I thought I would break the long trip up to Whitefish and stay the night in Missoula with my ND Laura. We finished up my schedule for the year and catch up on all of my travels and I really appreciate all she has done and continues to do for me! While in Missoula I also got a chance to stop by Longhorn Trading Co. and use one my MRM prizes and they have the coolest stuff! I appreciate what they do for the organization every year. Thank you so very much!
The drive to Whitefish was very beautiful and it’s a place I could definitely move to. The parade of athletes was amazing and I got to meet Mrs. Montana United States and Mrs. Montana. This was my first parade where I wasn't horseback but I did get to ride in a sleek black dodge charger! After lighting the torch I headed to Columbia Falls where my host family lived. I got to stay with Lynette and her husband Jon and they made my trip to Whitefish very enjoyable. We hung out at their house ate pizza and watched the Oscars and I appreciated their warm hospitality.
It was a long 7 1/2 hour drive home but I made it safe and sound and have a few days off now before a few bull sales and the NRA Finals! Books on tape are the way to travel.
Until next time, I'm Headin' Down the Trail,
 Lorissa Harris, MRM 2011

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