Thursday, June 30, 2011

Montana High School Finals/ Summer Solstice Rodeo- Vaughn

June 8th was the start of the Montana High School Rodeo Finals and pageant.  Our close family friends Anne and Mariah Rhys- Sikora have been putting on the pageant for the last several years and do a tremendous job! There were three awesome high school queen contestants this year.  Amy Hager, Miss Teen Rodeo Montana,  and I took part in the orientation and horsemanship portions of the pageant activities. Horsemanship is one of the most vital portions of competing and serving as a rodeo queen and we were happy to take part in this pageant!  Some very influential judges were present at this year’s Montana High School Rodeo Queen pageant; including Sara Wilkins Capp, former Miss Rodeo Montana, Robin Nansel and former Miss Rodeo Oregon, and the Miss Rodeo Montana 2010 Jourdon Han. These ladies all know firsthand the responsibilities involved and what it takes to be a rodeo queen and we appreciate all they did!  The pageant wrapped up that Saturday and Miss Jeana Wagner of Whitehall came away with the title!!  Jeana will also receive a $1,000 college scholarship from the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall & Wall of Fame.   Congratulations to her and all the girls who competed!

I was then off to the Summer Solstice in Vaughn the 11-12th.  This was my first rodeo of the summer and to be honest, I was a little nervous! Mr. John Smith of JS Rodeo Company puts on this rodeo and it was truly a great kick off rodeo.  Saturday morning I took part in Farmer’s Market with the Big Sky Rodeo committee, signed autographs and took pictures with little kids.  What a great way to spend the morning in Great Falls promoting the Big Sky Pro Rodeo the 2-6 in August.

The rodeo was a lot of fun and thanks goodness for Sue Thompson for providing me a horse.  As usual, she is a total lifesaver!  I’ll take this opportunity to thank Briana Caldwell and Jennika O’Neil for helping carry sponsor flags.   I appreciate all their hard work and look forward to working with them more in the future.  

Following the early performance on Sunday, it was back home to Billings to get ready to hop on a plane the very next morning for Nebraska!

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