Thursday, June 30, 2011

Special Olympics State Games

On May 12, I traveled to Bozeman for the Special Olympic State Games, to help with the Equestrian Games portion and I absolutely loved it!  We started at 8:00 am with the Parade of Athletes and a Grand Entry.  There were so many athletes participating in the equestrian events, that the trail classes were held in the outdoor arena and the English and Western classes were held in the indoor arena. It was great to be back at the Special Olympics as I had also helped at the Winter Games in Whitefish.  Some of the athletes remembered me from the Whitefish games and it was good to see them again! After the classes were finished, I assisted with the Awards Ceremony and helped with presentations along with three Montana Highway Patrol officers.
Later in the evening there was a carnival for all of the athletes who competed in the state games.  A meet and greet booth had been set up for Amy Hager, Miss Teen Rodeo Montana, and I so we could meet folks and sign autographs and be available for photo ops.   It was a wonderful weekend, a great event to be a part of, and such an honor to spend time with all of the amazing athletes!

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