Sunday, September 25, 2011

Home of Champions Rodeo- Red Lodge!!!

The 4th of July, 2011 was very special to me as Miss Rodeo Montana.   It was fun to spend the entire weekend in Red Lodge just an hour from my hometown, and especially fun to ride the “Queen Horse” Shug!  The 4th of July weekend is very important for cowboys because in this single weekend, there are the highest numbers of rodeos for cowboys to attend and make a LOT of money.
Every year in Red Lodge the rodeo queen’s help with slack at 6:30 am where we see some of the best cowboys in the country come to Montana to compete.  I spent the weekend with company also … the Red Lodge Rodeo Royalty was there and it was great to meet them and share stories about their year.  Each day at noon there was a parade down Main Street in Red Lodge with the crowds growing each day leading up to the big July 4th celebration.  It was Shug’s first parade and he did an awesome job and obviously LOVES doing queen buzzes.

Another tradition known to the Red Lodge Rodeo is one particular section of the grand stands known to get pretty rowdy and is referred to as the “Oh S**t section”.  When a cowboy misses or gets bucked off the crowd in that section stands up and in unison shouts that particular phrase.  They definitely keep things interesting during the rodeo.

Returning to Red Lodge as Miss Rodeo Montana after having attended as Miss Teen Rodeo Montana was very special to me and I was honored to get to go back!

Next, I’m off to Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede and I get to see the Megan Hardy, former Miss Rodeo Montana and her wonderful family!  

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